by corpcomm | Apr 1, 2016 | Blog
April 1, 2016 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: It was a beautiful way for two worlds to meet, as lifetimes of vision, intention, experience, and compassion joined hands near the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The diverse group of American visitors were eager to learn and...
by corpcomm | Mar 28, 2016 | Blog
Ashley al-Saliby March 28, 2016 BEIRUT: For Fouad and Hiba,* like countless other Syrians today, it could easily seem that everything in their lives has changed since the war began in March, 2011. The conflict has torn apart normalcy and peace for families from...
by corpcomm | Mar 9, 2016 | Blog
Ashley al-Saliby March 9, 2016 Last year’s BankMed Youth Race, part of the Beirut Marathon. (Photo: The Beirut Marathon Association) BEIRUT: The Center for Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences, one of MEBO’s partners in Lebanon, is an Official Charity...
by corpcomm | Mar 4, 2016 | Blog
Ashley al-Saliby March 4, 2016 BEIRUT: The SKILD Center offices buzzed with activity in the final weeks before assessment day, which would be the culmination of several months of preparation. The team worked hard, creating a customized assessment document, a thick...
by corpcomm | Feb 16, 2016 | Blog
Ashley al-Saliby February 16, 2016 BEIRUT: The passion of one person is often contagious and impactful in the lives of others, because by nature passion has to be shared, expressed, and demonstrated. Within Liz Crusey, a Houston-area woman whose gifting and heart for...
by corpcomm | Jan 17, 2016 | Blog
January 18, 2016 Authored by The Institute of Middle East Studies Team at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary BEIRUT: The Church in the Middle East is experiencing a time of unprecedented change. There exist significant challenges, and yet at the same time...
by corpcomm | Dec 11, 2015 | Blog
December 13, 2015 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: Have you considered, recently, the tangible compassion of the Savior whose birth we celebrate during this season? The Gospel accounts reveal that Jesus could always be found where no one else wanted to be: with the...
by corpcomm | Dec 2, 2015 | Blog
Ashley al-Saliby December 2, 2015 BEIRUT: If you’ve had the privilege of spending any time at Beirut Baptist School, you’ve witnessed the fact that each school day is a condensed expression of eager joy, clear purpose, and genuine love. Inside the high walls of the...
by corpcomm | Nov 10, 2015 | Blog
November 10, 2015 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: “Sometimes it becomes hard to breathe,” a friend explained to me last November. She is a Syrian refugee and a young mother, and was rather casually describing her living situation to me. After a weekend of torrential rain, I...