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The Virtual Vision Trip

Take a trip to Lebanon without leaving the comfort of your home!

‘Send’ a team to meet with ministry leaders in Lebanon and find out how God is moving through the Arab Church!

Sign up now!

If your church or organization is interested in finding out more about ‘sending’ a team to Lebanon:

Rosette Mansour

Are you curious about how God is working in the Middle East? Through a series of videos, devotions, themed activities, and interactive Zoom calls with local ministry leaders, your team will not only learn more about Lebanon and the Arab world, but you will see the miraculous ways God is working in and through your sisters and brothers in Christ in the MENA region.

Through live interactive sessions, these trips provide a space of mutual learning, encouragement, and prayer as we seek to discover collaborative ways to participate in God’s redemptive activity in the world.


As a bonus, the daily themed activities allow your team to experience the culture and tastes of Lebanon from afar!

Practice writing “God is love” in Arabic script!

Learn how to make Tabbouleh from the pros!

“I cannot articulate how much this week has meant to me. I know that my eyes, my mind, and my heart have been opened more than I could have ever imagined. I am so grateful to you!”


-June, participant

“Accompanying the US team along this process of virtual Discoveries enhances the openness to be better neighbors, better Christ followers and to show the light of Jesus from everywhere to everyone.”


-Sandra, team leader