Donate to SKILD


Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences

The center for Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences (SKILD) works diligently towards the development of a culture that respects the rights of students with learning difficulties. SKILD and its staff desire to empower students so that they can become active citizens in their communities. By contributing towards any of SKILD’s following programs, you are supporting the center and its team as they work to make the education system more accepting and accessible for people with special needs. This support is all the more critical as Lebanon continues to face conflict and an array of dire political and economic crises. 


The educational journey of a child with learning difficulties is full of evaluations, testing, and therapy. In the absence of state support, these educational requirements and needs are often costly for parents. SKILD helps children and youth receive specialized support by providing services at subsidized rates and helping schools establish special education units. Still, parents are increasingly struggling to meet their children’s special needs due to a yearslong economic crisis and acute currency devaluation.

You can support a child’s therapy journey by donating to SKILD. Any amount helps, while the following amounts can cover: 

  • $50 to support one child through a month of individualized special education and therapy sessions
  • $100 to support the assessment of one child
  • $500 to support a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder through a month of behavior modification

Awareness, Capacity Building, and Parental Support

At the forefront of SKILD’s efforts is our desire to raise awareness about the inclusion of children and youth with learning difficulties through seminars, conferences, and events. The team also organizes capacity building workshops for educators, parents, and community members on different special education topics such as differentiated learning, recognizing emotions, and dealing with specific learning difficulties in the classroom. Parents of children with special needs face many challenges, and their wellbeing is an important part of our work. At SKILD, we host Parent2Parent, a support group that provides parents a comfortable space to share their experiences, listen to others, and grow together.

Support us in our outreach and give:

  • $500 towards the production of one online awareness video
  • $1,000 to cover a day of training for schools
  • $3,000 towards a cycle of Parent2Parent activities

Where the need is the greatest…

To support the general ministry of the SKILD


Support equipping our centers and give:

  • $3,000 to help resource the multi-sensory space
  • $7,000 to help resource a self-contained classroom



Recurring gifts can be canceled at any time by contacting us at or by phone at 404-395.2696.

Donate using the form below!