Christmas in a new, uncertain Syria

A new leadership has taken power in Syria. But while many Syrians are glad to see the Assad regime gone, they worry about Syria’s next chapter.

Thimar-MEBO Impact Report 2023 – 2024

Thimar’s 2023 – 2024 Impact Report. This annual report includes testimonies and figures from each of Thimar’s six ministries, as well as an overview of our war response efforts.

Amid a fragile ceasefire, moments of joy and rest

Thimar is bringing joy and rest to war-affected communities in Lebanon this holiday season, hosting Christmas events for over 4,600 children and offering retreats to refresh and equip church leaders.

Welcome to MEBO

MEBO is a 501(c)3 non-profit that acts as the US fiscal sponsor for Thimar-LSESD, a faith-based organization in Lebanon that seeks to empower the church and serve Arab communities in the Middle East. Here on our website, you can learn more about Thimar and the work of its six ministries: Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Dar Manhal Al Hayat publishing house, Beirut Baptist School, SKILD Center (Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences), Salt and Light, and MERATH (Middle East Revive and Thrive).

A message from Dr. Nabil Costa, CEO of Thimar-LSESD and MEBO board member.

Our Mission

We empower the church in the Middle East to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ through outreach, education and love of neighbor.

Jesus Christ, who identified with and responded compassionately to the needs of the vulnerable and marginalized, called us to love our neighbor, saying “blessed are the peacemakers.” MEBO provides financial support to Thimar and its six ministries as they reflect Him in their context with intentionality and excellence.

How We Serve

Through its partnership with Thimar-LSESD, MEBO helps the local church spread and demonstrate the Gospel in the Middle East through theological seminary school, Arabic translation and publishing, education, church discipleship, and aid and development.

Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS)


Beirut Baptist School (BBS)

Salt & Light Ministry


Dar Manhal Al Hayat (DMAH)


Middle East Revive and Thrive (MERATH)

Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences (SKILD)

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.

Psalm 1:3