by corpcomm | Mar 31, 2014 | Blog
Beirut Baptist School (BBS), founded in 1954 by missionaries, Dr. Finlay and Julia Graham, is a beacon of light in its community. Located in a densely populated suburb of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, the student body consists of over 1,300 of which 90% are...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
Are there avenues through which American professionals can use their expertise to serve Christ by serving the Arab world? Yes! Dr. David Finn, Dr. Michele Haralson and Dr. Brenda Richards are all wonderful examples of this. LSESD was privileged to have these education...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
Please visit the Baptist Children and Youth Facebook page to see pictures of the follow up day on February 8 that BCYM organized for the Sudanese children who attended a camp this past year. This ministry is seeking to serve vulnerable children who are so hungry for...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
January 21, 2014 by Vanessa Mathews Hanna / Topics: International Disaster Response, Jordan/Syria Refugees, Syria Conflict Response, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Vanessa Mathews Hanna Inspired by the Arab Spring that was sweeping across the Middle East in late 2010,...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
MEBO recently learned from an anonymous donor of their intent to offer a generous matching gift for the work of ABTS and Syrian relief. We are absolutely thrilled to share this opportunity with you and encourage you to share this news with your friends, your church’s...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
Since March, 2011, 22 months ago, the lives of Syrian citizens have been filled with heartache, pain, and extreme loss. Imagine losing your family members to targeted killings, abandoning everything you own, and being displaced to a tent in a refugee camp in a foreign...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
Pray for protection of Christians and Churches in Syria, as they are increasingly bearing the brunt of much violence. Pray that Christians in the Middle East & throughout the world would walk closely with Syrian Christians, bearing their burdens through prayer and...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
If you’ve spent any time at all around small children, you know one of their very first words is “Mine.” This has got to be one of my favorite words, too! This is MY personal space, MY home, MY time, MY seat, MY car, MY lane, MY country, MY rights. So, can I...
by corpcomm | Mar 10, 2014 | Blog
MEBO’s efforts at raising awareness and collecting resources for the work of our Lebanese ministry partners continue to be richly blessed by God, and we want to thank you sincerely for your faithfulness in giving to meet ministry needs. Our partners report that...