Seeing the Need, Serving the Stateless

Seeing the Need, Serving the Stateless

September 28, 2015 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: “Head and shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes!”  The children giggled as they bent down and straightened up, bent down and straightened up. This time with Gladys, Noelle, and others from the Baptist...
When the Gift of Education is a Dream Come True

When the Gift of Education is a Dream Come True

August 24, 2015 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: Fifty-three high school graduates walked across the stage on July 3rd amidst the lights and sounds of a state-of-the-art graduation ceremony, marking the culmination of years of rigorous and rewarding education at Beirut...
Sometimes Love Leads us Far From Home

Sometimes Love Leads us Far From Home

August 17, 2015 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: Have you ever paused to take in a moment and wondered, “What am I doing here?” You might be stepping into a neighborhood just a few minutes from your own, or into a home literally half a world away, but the amazement at how God...
Channels of Hope for Gender Relations in Lebanon

Channels of Hope for Gender Relations in Lebanon

July 25, 2015 Rachel Saliba BEIRUT: In March 2011 the Syrian crisis began displacing over 12 million individuals, 1.2 million of whom fled to Lebanon, with women and girls constituting the majority. The ongoing and prolonged Syrian crisis did not only strip Syrians...
The Golden Rule and the Value of Interfaith Dialogue

The Golden Rule and the Value of Interfaith Dialogue

July 28, 2015 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: It was the first day of Ramadan*, and a veiled Sunni woman smiled affectionately at her husband from her front row seat in a crowded room. He was wrapping up a panel discussion with Christian leaders, and he had one more...