by corpcomm | Jun 5, 2018 | Blog
His heart went beyond his family and his extended family to Christian causes and support both at home and abroad. He had a special place in his heart for brothers and sisters persecuted in the Middle East, “the Old Country.” The Middle East Bible Society was an...
by corpcomm | Sep 9, 2016 | Blog
BEIRUT: Even in our modern world, there are children tucked away from sight without access to an education, deprived of the right to enter a school environment. This is always the fruit of some injustice they are powerless to free themselves from. Some are enslaved to...
by corpcomm | Jun 28, 2016 | Blog
June 28, 2016 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: Have you ever eaten a manouche? Try to imagine this savory Lebanese breakfast favorite. The base is a piece of hot bread: more thick and dense than a tortilla, bigger than a pancake (but not as fluffy), and baked over an open...
by corpcomm | Jun 2, 2016 | Blog
June 2, 2016 Ashley al-Saliby Many first-time visitors to Lebanon are surprised by its natural beauty! (Photo: Rosette Mansour) To read the first installment of this two-party story, click here. What has God Promised About Safety? Having returned from the trip, Mike...
by corpcomm | Jun 2, 2016 | Blog
May 26, 2016 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: Safety, danger, risk, fear, opportunity, purpose and calling: words and concepts that swirl powerfully around the choice to travel to a place considered to be more volatile than our own homes. The opportunity to go, to engage the...
by corpcomm | May 12, 2016 | Blog
May 12, 2016 Ashley al-Saliby BIKFAYA, LEBANON: The room full of Lebanese young adults erupted in laughter in response to the quick humor and playful, Chicago grin of their speaker. Then, just as eagerly, they leaned in to listen as she continued to passionately...
by corpcomm | May 7, 2016 | Blog
July 5, 2016 Ashley al-Saliby BEIRUT: How do you begin to gauge the transformation that can take place over the course of three years? For a group of leaders of the Church in the Arab World, men and women who left their families, cultures, and ministries for a season...
by corpcomm | Apr 27, 2016 | Blog
April 29, 2016 Joy Fuller Joy Fuller, a new student in the Master of Religion in Middle Eastern and North African Studies program (MRel) at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, has written a short piece describing her recent experience in the MENA Christianity...
by corpcomm | Apr 27, 2016 | Blog
April 27, 2016 Ashley al-Saliby LEAGUE CITY, TEXAS: Ice cream bars and hundreds of sticky fingers. Matching t-shirts and big smiles. Unforgettable music and silly hand motions. Bible stories and elaborate decorations. Crazy games and an army of committed, patient,...