by corpcomm | Nov 7, 2019 | Blog
“It is easy for us, as a Church, to curse the darkness. We forget that we are called to be light, and that our light, no matter how dim or insignificant we think it is, shines best in the dark.” After two weeks of mass demonstrations, road closures and a...
by corpcomm | Nov 7, 2019 | Blog
Every moment in life, whether a hardship or a blessing, can bring temptation. Hardship may tempt us to fear, lose hope, doubt the love of God, or be estranged from Him, while a time of blessing may tempt us to become boastful, conceited and self-sufficient. This is...
by corpcomm | Oct 18, 2019 | Blog
When we wake up each morning, what’s the first item we lay our hands on: our Bibles or our smartphones? Jesus commanded us to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33), but how many of us have the resolve to lay down our distractions and truly...
by corpcomm | Oct 18, 2019 | Blog
Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. Who are we to decide who is worthy to be forgiven, after God has forgiven us so much? We shouldn’t wait for our healing to come before we start to serve others. Imagine that you are held at gunpoint waiting to be executed...
by corpcomm | Oct 18, 2019 | Blog
Our small team from New Zealand comprised two dentists, one general practitioner and two Tearfund NZ staff members. This visit to Lebanon was saturated with history, culture, hospitality, and stories of the redemptive power of God’s love in the marginalized of...
by corpcomm | Sep 11, 2019 | Blog
If you had visited the Beirut Baptist School in July you would have felt the hustle and bustle of graduation ceremonies, official exams, and summer camp preparations. Together with the BBS family, we got to celebrate the promotion of 88 preschoolers into their...
by corpcomm | Sep 11, 2019 | Blog
The care we are called to give, the love we are meant to show, the support we should provide are Christ-like characteristics that we are entrusted to live out to the world as a glimpse of the heavenly comfort provided by our Father’s Kingdom. At SKILD, we endeavor to...
by corpcomm | Sep 11, 2019 | Blog
It has been nine years. Nine years of crisis in Syria. Nine years of displacements. We hear more and more people say, “It is safer now; why don’t they go back? Even if we give them food today, they will still need food tomorrow”. Precisely! They will still need food...
by corpcomm | Feb 21, 2019 | Blog
“What an amazing opportunity and privilege to serve such precious people!” These sincere words of gratitude were voiced by countless young volunteers and celebrities who joined efforts with SKILD team this past week as we organized, in partnership with the Tim Tebow...