by Admin | Jun 18, 2020 | Blog
“No one warned me what life would be like here.” My name is Djajida, I am 26 and I am from Kenya. Life was good back there but my younger sister and I were raised by a single mother, and for as long as I can remember, it was very difficult to make ends...
by Admin | Jun 15, 2020 | Blog
Alia Abboud – How the Church in Lebanon has emerged through Crisis Dr. Alia Abboud, Chief Development Officer at the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development, was recently interviewed on the Hope in Crisis Podcast. In this episode, Dr. Abboud...
by Admin | Jun 8, 2020 | Blog
This article by MEBO’s Executive Director Scott Gustafson originally appeared at The Acts 2:11 Project as “What the Arab Church Can Teach Us About Racism” In several recent surveys, Jordan and Lebanon were ranked some of the highest on a list of...
by Admin | Jun 6, 2020 | Blog
THE MEANING OF CHURCH IN THE DAYS OF COVID-19 BY ROSETTE MANSOUR For years, we’ve been hearing that the church is not the building, it is the people. Now the time has come to walk the talk! How are churches reacting to this pandemic and what adjustments have been put...
by Admin | Jun 4, 2020 | Blog
Life has been dramatically impacted by COVID-19. We have accepted that there is no “business as usual” these days. This is truly a profound historical moment for the global Church and a rare opportunity to pause and reflect on the nature of the world we have fashioned...
by Admin | Jun 2, 2020 | Blog
I have always enjoyed going grocery shopping on weekends to buy what my family needs for the week. However, for the past two months, grocery shopping in Lebanon has become quite the psychological and spiritual experience. It is not the gearing up with facemask,...
by Admin | May 27, 2020 | Blog
Curious about what ministry in the Middle East looks like these days? Take a virtual missions trip with us! Many churches have had missions trips cancelled or postponed. Travel these days may be challenging or impossible, so we’re offering a unique opportunity:...
by corpcomm | Dec 16, 2019 | Blog
This year, LSESD and its partners are focusing their efforts on vulnerable children in the Middle East. We work with a number of at-risk children from various backgrounds and needs groups. As we continue to serve the poor and downtrodden, we ask that you would pray...
by corpcomm | Dec 16, 2019 | Blog
An opportunity to share the joy of Christmas with refugee children For the past six years we’ve been able to share the true meaning of Christmas and the love of Christ with Syrian refugee children through our special Christmas Events. With the help of our...