BCYM Christmas in a Box

BCYM Christmas in a Box

By Dana Haidamous After much success with the September Camp-in-a-Box, we asked parents and children to give us their feedback and share their favorite activities in order for us to bless over 1,000 special children with the Christmas box. Click here to see how your...
Christmas is Not Cancelled!

Christmas is Not Cancelled!

By Emily Hoppin This Christmas, approximately 7,200 kids were in for a special treat as LSESD teamed up with its church partners to deliver Christmas gifts to children in need across Lebanon and Syria. Although it seemed for a moment as though LSESD’s popular annual...
Hope Amid Rubble

Hope Amid Rubble

A Message from the CEO During the last year, Lebanon faced a trifecta of calamities: The mass uprisings, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the explosion at the port of Beirut on August 4th, 2020. These came on the heels of a decade of extreme humanitarian turmoil and were...
Introducing the New MEBO/LSESD Logo

Introducing the New MEBO/LSESD Logo

2020 will undoubtedly be remembered as a year unlike any other in history. The level of unpredictability and uncertainty on a global scale has reminded us what it means to be a people marked by hope, and gratitude for long-standing relationships with our brothers and...
LSESD Impact Report – Oct 2019 to Sept 2020

LSESD Impact Report – Oct 2019 to Sept 2020

This impact report describes each of our ministries in greater detail and how the Lord used us to serve our neighbors, regardless of social status or religion. We are grateful for your continued support and prayers for Lebanon as a country and a people. We have no...
Planting Seeds of Hope

Planting Seeds of Hope

There is much sad news in the Middle East today but our trust is in the Lord: from the plight of refugees to Lebanon’s economic crisis and the disastrous explosion…but this Christmas season will you consider Planting Seeds of Hope for 2021? The MEBO/LSESD family of...
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart, for They Will See God

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart, for They Will See God

By Julia Wallace … what does it mean to be “pure in heart”? According to the testimony of Scripture, this “purity” refers to an undivided allegiance free from division or distraction. It could be characterized as full-hearted devotion marked by sincerity,...
SKILD: Finding Meaning in the Midst of Suffering

SKILD: Finding Meaning in the Midst of Suffering

By Daniella Daou “I was excited when SKILD asked me to volunteer on the playground with children.” Helping children who came to destress and express through play helped Walid, too, as he took time to reflect and have fun with them. “The children got me out of my state...
Alice Wazir: Leading BBS Forward

Alice Wazir: Leading BBS Forward

This year, BBS is adapting to a number of significant changes. To accompany the start of a new school year, LSESD decided to sit down and chat with Alice Wazir, BBS’s new principal. “We have the privilege of working with students for a span of 15 years,...