With All My Heart and All My Mind

With All My Heart and All My Mind

The story of our student Zineb from Morocco. Since 2006, Zineb has had a heartfelt desire to study theology. After moving into full-time ministry with a Christian media center in 2010, she became a speaker and presenter of a Christian TV show seen by tens of thousands...
A Ministry of Presence in the Time of COVID-19

A Ministry of Presence in the Time of COVID-19

“I was sick, and you looked after me…” Matthew 25:36 What does it look like to care for Jesus when He is sick? It looks like providing daily food for people infected with COVID-19 who are too sick to cook for themselves. It sounds like listening to their sorrows and...
Are We Living Double Lives?: Sex, Money, Power, and the Gospel

Are We Living Double Lives?: Sex, Money, Power, and the Gospel

How can people who appear to be so spiritual and whom God seems to be using to draw people to Himself also be deeply involved in willful sinning? In case you were wondering who these people are; they are you and me. This is made possible by the widespread practice of...
The Plight of Lebanon’s Teachers

The Plight of Lebanon’s Teachers

By Julia Wallace: While the compounding crises in Lebanon have impacted virtually everyone in society, there is another—less noticed—group that has been significantly affected by the nation’s crises: Lebanon’s teachers. Continue reading
Children of Hope –

Children of Hope –

Pastor Joseph Kazzi shares about the power of the resurrection and its effect on the disciples. As a result of Christ’s resurrection, we can be children of hope. Continue reading