With All My Heart and All My Mind

With All My Heart and All My Mind

Since 2006, Zineb has had a heartfelt desire to study theology. After moving into full-time ministry with a Christian media center in 2010, she became a speaker and presenter of a Christian TV show seen by tens of thousands of North Africans. Since she had to present biblical devotions, Zineb needed to be well versed in interpreting Scriptures faithfully.

A Long-Awaited Harvest: BCYM Summer Recap

A Long-Awaited Harvest: BCYM Summer Recap

Ministry work is often like gardening. You till the soil, plant seeds, faithfully water, but mostly you watch and hope for fruit. Then, all at once, when the weather is finally right, the garden seems to explode with new life.

We Pray For Calmer Seas

We Pray For Calmer Seas

As Beirut Baptist School (BBS) steps into a new academic year, dichotomous feelings of excitement and anxiety encompass our staff. On one hand, we are thrilled to see that BBS has been receiving an all-time-high number of registrations for the upcoming year. Nonetheless, we are anxious about the parents and teachers who are struggling to make ends meet, due to the relentless devaluation of the Lebanese Lira.

Cultural Blinders to Discipleship

Cultural Blinders to Discipleship

In Matthew 16, Peter has just made his confession that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus responds with affirmation, the likes of which we scarcely hear from his lips.

Rethinking the “Problem” of Childlessness

Rethinking the “Problem” of Childlessness

Since the family of Christ is a spiritual entity and not a physical one, it multiplies through spiritual renewal and not physical propagation. It implies that all of us in the body can be spiritual fathers and mothers with spiritual children.

Building Unity in the Beqaa

Building Unity in the Beqaa

The Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS), MERATH, and Heart for Lebanon saw a need for capacity-building within the Evangelical community, as humanitarian needs often outstrip the training required to execute.

Out of Dry Bones He Makes an Army

Out of Dry Bones He Makes an Army

Today, even though the situation remains difficult because of the economic crisis and the different challenges Lebanon is going through, we continue to see the life changing hand of God at work in the lives of those we were able to support. We

Two years later, Lebanon struggles to recover

Two years later, Lebanon struggles to recover

In the first 10 days after the blast, we provided 7,800 hot meals that our partners delivered to families affected by the explosion. Later on, we helped our partners rehabilitate more than 140 homes. For a year and a half after the blast, we helped more than 6,000 households with food vouchers and e-cards, winter items, and hygiene kits.