Getting Real in Prayer

Getting Real in Prayer

Too often these days, I find I am unable to pray more than a few words: “Lord, have mercy.” Overwhelmed by all that is happening in Lebanon and all around the world, everything else seems shallow, superfluous. Other mornings, I hear myself pray for justice, and I...
The Agony of Afghanistan

The Agony of Afghanistan

The gospel is the alternate grounding of our hope. It penetrates our idealized cultural narrative, subverting its chokehold on our minds. Its fierce loyalty to one king alone grants no plausibility to pseudo kings and their ideologies. It places all humanity, across...
The ABTS Blog: A New Brand for a Long-Established Platform

The ABTS Blog: A New Brand for a Long-Established Platform

The stated purpose of our blog is to “provide theological reflections by ABTS voices about pressing matters of faith and witness in the Middle East and beyond.” There is no shortage of high-quality theological reflections on pressing matters of faith and witness...
Are We There Yet?: Thinking Through Perplexities of Lebanon

Are We There Yet?: Thinking Through Perplexities of Lebanon

“Are we there yet?” This is a question parents with young children have gotten used to hearing – especially during long drives – and it can drive everyone else crazy. Children usually ask this question not because they want to annoy their parents but because they...
From Broken Homes to a Home of Hope

From Broken Homes to a Home of Hope

Sara* is one of several ladies who BCYM has had the privilege of working with. She grew up in unhealthy environments, first living with a negligent mother and then with an emotionally and physically abusive father. “I did not know anything about my parents. My mom...
Commissioned by a Heavenly King

Commissioned by a Heavenly King

We thank God for leading us through an academic year like no other. We invite you to read about some of our 2021 graduating students as well as a few 2020 graduates in their ministry contexts. Continue Reading