By Nabil Habibi

As we celebrated Lebanon’s Independence Day this week, and as the economic crisis continues to deepen, there have been renewed calls from Christians to pray for Lebanon. I have always felt uneasy about praying for my country.

I do believe that prayer is essential. An active prayer life is the basis of our relationship with God through Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is also a great source of change. A praying church knows the mind of God and is able to withstand the evils of this world. Praying people of faith worship God and manifest Christ to/in wider society. Even more, prayer (sometimes) works out marvelous miracles right before our eyes.

But does this mean we should pray for Lebanon? I believe that calling the church to pray for Lebanon is a beautiful act of faith that contains potential for dangerous theological assumptions. I graciously ask you to take a theological walk with me as I seek to unpack some dangers of the zeal to pray for Lebanon.