When one has been a Christian for an extended period, it’s common to settle into a stagnant routine. Instead of bearing the fruits of faith and reflecting Jesus, we often begin to mirror our society. Self-sufficiency creeps in, and we pride ourselves on our achievements. Looking at ourselves, we may think, “I am not that bad,” falling into self-deception by settling for superficial compliance rather than seeking continuous transformation.
Signs of lukewarmness, include the seasons when Christ is no longer our “exceedingly great reward,” and our presence ceases to make a difference and be noticed. It’s a state where comfort overrides conviction, sacrifice supplants obedience, and indifference extinguishes love and compassion.
We must remember that we are an ongoing work in progress with no endpoint—there is no retirement for the Christian.
This Christmas, let us aspire to be ambassadors of the Prince of Peace: those who bring hope to the impoverished, mend the broken-hearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and offer comfort to those who grieve.
On behalf of the Thimar-LSESD team, I extend our gratitude for your partnership and prayers, which serve as a constant reminder of our duty and privilege to live out the mandate stated above for the people of the Middle-East.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.