You might have read this title and wondered if there is really something called “divinating”. Keep reading!

Every New Year’s Eve it is common for Lebanese TV stations to feature programs involving certain individuals with the “gift” of foreseeing the future. They excite viewers with predictions about what will happen regarding Lebanon, the Middle East, and the world. This New Year’s Eve I thought I’d listen in to hear what they had to say for 2022. I was surprised with some of the detailed predictions that were shared, such as:

  • England: Prince Harry will not be able to regain his peace
  • Italy: There will be a fall of an Italian figure
  • Canada: Protests will break out, some not peaceful
  • Russia: The Kremlin will be affected
  • Australia: The anger of nature will displace the locals of an Australian city
  • USA: Some part of the White House will not be white, and a radar will catch a UFO
  • Lebanon: There will be a year of “difficult labor”, comparing Lebanon to a divorced and pregnant woman with many problems in her womb who is about to deliver.