Messy Christmas 

Messy Christmas 

Ministry is relational. That is why it can be messy. We are imperfect, and so are those we serve. In this truth is the meaning of Christmas.

Understanding the War in Lebanon

Understanding the War in Lebanon

Many in Lebanon are enduring sleepless nights, their peace shattered by the relentless roar of Israeli jets and the deafening explosions raining down on Dahiyeh, Beirut’s southern suburbs, the Beqaa, and across South Lebanon. The skies are ablaze as displaced people flood the streets, schools are once again closed, and live images testify to the devastation. What once seemed confined to South Lebanon has now reached Beirut and many parts of the Beqaa.

As war rages, Thimar responds

As war rages, Thimar responds

Seventeen families crowded the small school in a village just outside Beirut, their few belongings placed against classroom walls and crammed into corners alongside mattresses. The exhaustion on their faces and black bags under their eyes spoke to the harrowing ordeals each one of them had been through in recent days.