Give to LSESD

Donate towards LSESD’s General Needs

LSESD works with and through local churches and community-based organizations so that they may be able to respond to current and emergent needs within their vicinity and beyond.

Ministry Sustainability

As of November 2022, the Lebanese currency is worth only 4% of its original value. Through this fund, we are working to compensate staff for the loss of over 90% of the purchasing power of their Lira-based salaries. 

Emergent Needs

For over a year now, LSESD has been constantly addressing new and emergent needs resulting from the compounded crises facing Lebanon. With your support, LSESD will have the flexibility to respond with food vouchers, medicines, and church support.

General Support

Enable the team to continue pursuing its mission of strengthening the witness of the Church in Lebanon and the Arab World by supporting the general ministry.


Recurring gifts can be canceled at any time by contacting us at or by phone at 404-395.2696.

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